The Nucular Option
It's been a long time since i've posted the truth to the people...but as all things do, the silence must pass. While most of the officers have been helping roland re-integrate into society after a tough bought with a 2 liter of stomach blood, our beloved United States Senate has been debating what the press is calling the "Nuclear Option" and our president calls the "Nucular Option".
As I'm sure you have all heard by now, this constitutes an elimination of the long standing senate tradition of the "filibuster". Although they speak of it in relation to judicial nomination only, even a dead Ray Charles could see that it could easily be extend to all "filibusters".
And though stopping politicians from talking is certainly a worthwhile thing to do, the thing that strikes me about the whole ridiculous issue is that there are important things to talk about. We are at "war", we have a huge deficit, the economy is deceptive and a North Korea that probably shouldn't have access to the clock settings on a VCR probably has nuclear weapons.
But instead of the myriad of worthwhile things to discuss, the US senate is talking about talking. God bless 'em. For sure, the "filibuster" is a strange tradition, but watching grown men throw a ball through a "hoop" and getting paid millions of dollars to do it is certainly nearly as strange.
The bottom line is this...the republicans won an election. "God" is more omnipresent than he/she already was, but 51% does not a mandate make.
It wins an election. And that's it bitches. Smoke your cigars. Pat each other on the back. Tee off and think about the fact that this too will pass and then you'll remember a time...long, long ago...when 51% was just one percent over half.
Amen, brother! It's good to have you back preaching to the masses, Clint.
Tonua, at May 28, 2005 at 12:36 AM
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