Friday, January 21, 2005

Bass Fishing? Cock Fighting? Snipe Hunting?

Ok. So maybe I just don't "get it" or something but the fact that ESPN now has a new show called BassCenter makes me feel like I just woke up from a 33 year long nap. How could it come to this? I admit that after years of disdain for the sport of golf, I took it up. And in weak moments I have found myself watching it on television...but not for very long. But I've been fishing...I served in congress with fishing...and you sir shouldn't watch fishing on TV. Much less watch a show... about shows... with people fishing in them.

In other sporting news - in the Philippines cock fighting is apparently legal and the national sport. According to the Sabong Press "
there are over 2,000 government-licensed cockpits throughout the country".

Who says that the Philippines are just good for Islamic fundamentalist versions of Gilligans Island and high healed shoes.

Check out the World Slasher Cup competition. Its subtitled "international 8 cock derby"... Which is just beautiful.

Maybe ESPN should launch CockCenter next year... If they can afford to buy the url.


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