Friday, January 14, 2005

A Little Truth for the People on No WMD day

Well maybe. This site is written by a teenage girl so i guess there could be some slight exaggeration. But i'm pretty sure once we get a precinct or decent donut shop in Baghdad we'll make sure she is well taken care of.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

And Save 2 Bellydancers While You're At It

Or at least one. Come to think of it, there's a reason why this wasn't in the bible, don't save any. Especially if they are into MIDI and know how to use it.

But In order to help Rolands soul during the overdue performance review by the great Robot Sergeant in the sky, please click here. And turn down the sound.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

To All the Imaginary Girls I've Loved Before

All you hard core gamers out there - why leave the imaginary world to enter the real one for a relationship, just contact Imaginary Girlfriends. Like their slogan says, "Real Girls, Imaginary Relationships".

Monday, January 10, 2005

Finally... A map of UFO bases

I've been waiting for the lonely planet guide to UFO bases, but they've been a little slow. Apparently there aren't enough youth hostels or 3 cylinder cars to rent nearby.

The country with the most bases is Mexico, which seems to make sense.

US Government Kidnaps German?

Even Robot Police accuse people of crimes, instead of blindfolding them and taking pictures of them nude in afganistan. German citizen and unlucky namesake, Khaled el-Masri, allegedly didn't recieve such treatment. The FBI and CIA won't comment usefully on the case but the German governement and the New York Times are on it - so don't expect to hear about it again.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

The Virtual Dog Show

I wish I was kidding you.

I'm not sure what the deal with this site is, but i'm sure the people who have enough time to dress this dog up and take multiple pictures are good people. At least i won't put the dress up pictures of my dog on the web. They are private.

Just for fun open this site in a separate window and flip back on forth. We all know who would win in the ultimate dog show.

John Stewart for president

Ok. Maybe not president. Perhaps guy who makes fun of president, but then again that's already his job. Whatever he is, this is an incredible display. And in case you are not one of the 20 million people who have seen the video on the web and have only heard or seen the clips that the mainstream media shot out there immediately after the broadcast, do yourself a favor and watch the whole thing. Beautiful.

Oh... and check out this related commentary from the new york times this weekend.