Saturday, January 22, 2005

Wood Magic for the People

In case your wood ever needs some.....magic.

But seriously, magic is funny. Just check out the Magic Times. The dude on the front page - Darren Romeo - should form a boy band with that magic guy who locked himself in a box a couple of years ago. Or with this guy.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Bass Fishing? Cock Fighting? Snipe Hunting?

Ok. So maybe I just don't "get it" or something but the fact that ESPN now has a new show called BassCenter makes me feel like I just woke up from a 33 year long nap. How could it come to this? I admit that after years of disdain for the sport of golf, I took it up. And in weak moments I have found myself watching it on television...but not for very long. But I've been fishing...I served in congress with fishing...and you sir shouldn't watch fishing on TV. Much less watch a show... about shows... with people fishing in them.

In other sporting news - in the Philippines cock fighting is apparently legal and the national sport. According to the Sabong Press "
there are over 2,000 government-licensed cockpits throughout the country".

Who says that the Philippines are just good for Islamic fundamentalist versions of Gilligans Island and high healed shoes.

Check out the World Slasher Cup competition. Its subtitled "international 8 cock derby"... Which is just beautiful.

Maybe ESPN should launch CockCenter next year... If they can afford to buy the url.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Army Of One... from The FUTURE!

If you have ever considered becoming an army of one, as in all major life decisions, it pays to do a little research. In the army you can be a multimedia illustrator, a special band member or a lithographer. And if you're smart and lucky you could even become a cryptologic linguist. And really, where else can you do something like that.

But as far as I can tell after 15 minutes of exhaustive research, the best part of the army is the FUTURE! Not only can you see in the dark, wear camouflage and kill people but you can do most of it by remote control with robots and paid actors, as illustrated in this video.

Of course there is the possibility of an alternate future in the army. But why discuss that on the army website.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Guide Dog in the NBA?

Since when is it against the rules to take a crap on a professional bastketball court? To the untrained eye it might have appeared to be a veteran player not in a contract year, but to the crack team at Local 10 in Miami, it was news.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Human interest story...I think

I know we often think to ourselves how the media blesses our lives with vital knowledge and serves the public good as the un-tiring watchdogs of our democracy. But do we ever let them know how we feel? Do we ever let those journalistic paragons of truth, justice and look-how-fat-Kirstie-alley-is know how much they mean to us? Of course not.

I know its probably because we love them so much and we don't to want to be hurt again.. but go ahead and nominate your favorite "journalist" for the award of your choice. But don't bother with the Pulitzer Prize, It costs $50 per nomination.