Thursday, February 24, 2005

Earthquakes, Roller Boogie and Evel Knievel

After a long shift last night, I woke up late and quickly found myself watching the "classic" disaster movie Earthquake .

Scientists were concerned by the earthquake predictions of a young graduate assistant.

The mayor of LA didn't want to look like an idiot by evacuating people and then having no earthquake.

And a black Evel Knievel type, deftly played by Richard Roundtree of Shaft fame, was trying to get enough cash to buy some butane so he could jump over some cars and through a flaming hoop for a Vegas promoter. It was his big break.

Very compelling stuff.
I would recommend it and Roller Boogie to anyone.

s nice to know that Moses and Shaft were finally able to work together.


At least Michael Jackson is keeping it real. No black jurors. But a jury of his peers.

Jews and Arabs. The Love Below

If i had a new shekel for every time a jewish friend asked if i could hook them up with one of my arab friends, i'm sure i'd have as least as much money as my Enron stock is worth. And I actually own some.

But in these days of new hope its time to look to the positive. The Jews and Arabs have temporarily agreed to stop killing each other and I think we can universally agree that not killing each other is a positive step in the relations between people. Even Hamas has agreed to a cease fire while deciding whether or not to uphold the cease fire agreed to by the Palestinian Authority. And while i still smile each time i hear the word "Hamas", since it makes me want eat pita bread, I know that its probably just me.

Indeed these are heady times.

Jews and Arabs living together. Mass hysteria.

Let us pray this time it works.